
The Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is manifested in the Council [Sobor] of Bishops through the First Hierarch with the Synod of Bishops and the Diocesan bishops. The Council of Bishops, convened approximately every two years, is the supreme authority of the ecclesiastical legislative, administrative, judicial and executive organ for the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. The Synod of Bishops is the executive organ of the Council. The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is divided into dioceses. All dioceses are under the authority of their diocesan bishops. In each diocese there is a diocesan council, and also a diocesan ecclesiastical court. According the the Regulations of the The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, diocesan council meetings with the participation of the clergy, laymen and representatives of monasteries, church brotherhoods, schools and charitable organizations must be convened no less than once every three years
His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
75 E. 93rd Str.,
New York, NY 10128
Tel.: (212) 534-1604
Biography |
His Eminence Metropolitan MARK of Berlin and Germany,
Vice President of the Synod of Bishops.
Hofbauernstr. 26
81247 Muenchen, GERMANY
Tel: 49 (89) 834-8959; fax: 49 (89) 886-777; e-mail: hiobmon@googlemail.com
Biography |
His Eminence Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western American.
Second Deputy of the President of the Synod of Bishops.
Secretary of the Synod of Bishops.
The Most Rev. Archbishop Kyrill
109 6-th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118, U.S.A.
e-mail: archbishopkyrill@pacbell.net
Western American Diocesan Office:
598 15-th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118, U.S.A.
Tel: 415-387-8757 Fax: 415-387-5955
e-mail: archbishopkyrill@pacbell.net
Website of the Western American Diocese: www.wadiocese.org
Biography |

His Eminence Archbishop GABRIEL of Montreal and Canada.
425 Edouard Charles Avenue Outremont, QC H2V 2N3 Canada
Tel: (514) 277-0969 & (514) 562-5215; fax: (514) 279-8350;
e-mail: bp_gabriel@yahoo.com |
Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America.
Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America
PO Box 1367
Des Plaines, IL 60017
Diocesan Office Tel.: (847) 373-4002
e-mail: dcma.rocor@gmail.com
Secretary of the Chicago and Mid-America Diocese: Archpriest Gregory Joyce: +1-734-649-5746
Website of the Chicago and Mid-America Diocese: www.chicagodiocese.org
His Eminence Archbishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand.
20 Chelmsford Ave
P.O. Box 38
CROYDON N.S.W. 2132 Australia
Tel.: (02) 9747 5892 or 9747 2301
Fax: (02) 9747 5109
e-mail: bpgeorges@gmail.com
Website of the Diocese of the Australian & New Zealand Diocese: www.rocor.org.au
His Grace Bishop John of Caracas and South America (Ministering to the Old Rite Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia).
Su Eminencia Obispo Juan,
Nunez 3541,
1430 Buenos Aires,
Tel. 54-11-4541 7691
(315) 327-9597 (from US and Canada).
E-mail Episkop.Ioann@gmail.com
Website: www.iglesiarusa.info |
His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe.
E-mail Irenei.lyons@icloud.com
Tel: (415) 412-5180
Website of the Western Europe Diocese: www.orthodox-europe.org |
His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, First Vicar of the Western American Diocese.
598 15th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94118 USA
Tel.: (415) 221-0234 Fax: (415) 387-5955
Website of the Western American Diocese: www.wadiocese.com/wad.php
E-mail: mutran@icloud.com
His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese
Rector of Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville
Address: Holy Trinity Monastery
Jordanville, NY 13361
Biography |
His Grace Bishop James of Sonora, Second Vicar of the Western American Diocese.
Email: stariisobor@earthlink.net
Address: Old Holy Virgin Cathedral
864 Fulton Street
San Francico, CA 94117 |
Bishop Job of Stuttgart Vicar of the German Diocese.
E-mail: hiob@hiobmon.org
Address: Orthodoxes Mannerkloster des Hl. Hiob, Hofbauernstr. 26, D-81247 Munchen, Germany |
Archbishop Michael (retired) |
His Grace Bishop Alexander (retired)
E-mail: episkop.aleksandr@orthodoxie.ch |
His Grace Bishop Jerome.
Hermitage of Our Lady of Kursk
1050 Rte, 6,
Mahopac, NY 10541-3403
Tel: (845) 621-1876
bishopjeromeshaw@gmail.com |

The Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem
P.O. Box 20164
Jerusalem 91200, ISRAEL
Tel: 972 (2) 628-30-88
Official website of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Copyright © 2018
Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
Republication or retransmission of materials must include the reference:
"The Official Website of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia." |
75 East 93rd Street
New York NY 10128 U.S.A.
Tel: (212) 534-1601
E-mail for content information: englishinfo@synod.com
E-mail for technical information: webmaster@synod.com |