



An educational seminar on aspects of psychology from the point of view of the Christian worldview is held at the Cathedral of the Mother of God in San Francisco

On Sunday, May 26, 2024, in the assembly hall of the Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in San Francisco, CA, Priest Georgy Kaplanov held an educational seminar on aspects of psychology from the point of view of the Christian worldview. The seminar was chaired by His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America and His Grace Bishop James of Sonora, Second Vicar of the Western American Diocese. The following reports were presented at the seminar:

"Modern Psychology and the Orthodox Approach to the Healing of the Soul: Some Reflections" by Bishop Grace James.

"The Combination of Christianity and Psychological Science" by Priest Georgy Kaplanov.

"An Orthodox View of Addiction and Recovery" (via remote link) by Deacon Stefan Stoyanov, Master of Psychological Counseling.

After the reports were read, the participants of the seminar had the opportunity to ask questions of interest to them.

Western American Diocese


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