Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe visits the children's summer camp and celebrates Divine Liturgy

On Saturday, 8 July, 2023, His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe visited the diocesan summer camp organized by the parish of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross in Geneva. The camp is dedicated to the memory of St John (Maximovich), who was one time the ruling bishop of the diocese.

The camp is an annual event for the children focused on Orthodox Christianity and is held in the town of Leysen in the Swiss Alps. Divine services are held there every day in the chapel, along with many activities.

Bishop Irenei spent the day with the children, discussing spiritual life in Christ with them.

That evening, His Grace performed all-night vigil along with Archpriest Pavel Tsvetkoff, Dean of the cathedral, and Archpriest Emilian Pocinoc, along with Archdeacon Dometian (Redko).

On Sunday morning, Bishop Irenei celebrated Divine Liturgy with the local clergymen as well as Archpriest Quentin de Castelbajac, Archpriest Peter Shmigelsky and Protodeacon Martin Naef.

In his sermon, Bishop Irenei explained the day's Epistle reading in which Apostle Paul speaks of the necessity of heeding Divine truth. Commenting on the words of the Apostle on disseminating this truth through actions, Vladyka concluded: "The world around us is in need of the Savior: and by God's mercy, we have become the children of the Savior. May our hearts never rest until the world learns of God. Work, each of you, every day, with energy and zeal, for the salvation of the world. Reveal Divine truth through your lives. Declare Divine truth with your tongues. Embrace the hearts of those gone astray with your love, and may God's truth save this generation."

Following Liturgy, Bishop Irenei congratulated Fr Paul, who was recently awarded the right to wear a second ornamented pectoral cross to mark the 50th anniversary of his pastoral service. The children then presented a cake they baked for Fr Paul.

Spending a few hours discussing spiritual life with the cathedral's congregants, His Grace departed for the airport.


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