News from the Canadian Diocese
In accordance with the good tradition that exists in the Canadian Diocese, its Ruling Bishop, His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel, arrived for the patronal feast day in its largest parish, Holy Trinity Cathedral Church in Toronto (Ontario).
During vigil on the evening of Saturday, June 3, 2023, the magnificent Holy Trinity Cathedral, established in 1966, was full. The next day at Divine Liturgy, as the saying goes, "there was nowhere for an apple to fall." Concelebrating with His Eminence were the Rector of the parish, Mitred Archpriest Vladimir Malchenko (Dean of the Eastern Deanery of the Canadian Diocese) and Archpriest Vyacheslav Davidenko, along with Protodeacon Alexander Morin and Deacon Seth Davydenko. The cathedral choir sang with emotion, touchingly and at the same time solemnly under the direction of one of the most famous choir directors of the Russian Orthodox diaspora, Reader George Skok. It was difficult to determine the exact number of worshipers, since quite a lot of people found a place only in the narthex, but there were more than three hundred communicants.
At Divine Liturgy, Subdeacon Andrew Petarodas was ordained deacon by Archbishop Gabriel. The newly-ordained Deacon Andrew will help in the pastoral care of the Greek community that has formed at Holy Trinity Cathedral.
After the dismissal, everyone was invited by the cathedral sisterhood to a festive meal, and the vast hall barely accommodated all those present.
Vladyka Gabriel, after congratulating the birthday parish and expressing gratitude to the local sisterhood, spoke about a significant event in which he recently took part: on Sunday, May 28, the first church in Australia of the Russian Orthodox community in Brisbane celebrated its 100th anniversary. On this occasion, clergy from various Australian Orthodox parishes and guests from foreign countries arrived at the St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral, among them His Eminence Gabriel, who was born in Australia, who led the festive service.
On the feast day of the Holy Spirit, June 5, His Eminence was assisted by both the cathedral clergy and guests: the Rector of the Church of the Savior “Not Made by Hands” in London (Ontario), Mitred Archpriest Vladimir Morin, and the second priest of the same church, Priest Michael Baleka. At the Divine Liturgy, John Castillo, a native of Cuba, was ordained deacon to serve in the Church of the Savior “Not Made by Hands.”
The festive celebrations ended with an archpastoral conversation with the cathedral and visiting clergy.
From June 9-12, Archbishop Gabriel made an archpastoral visit to the city of Calgary. The ruling bishop began his current stay with a visit to one of the young communities of the Canadian Diocese named in honor of Great Martyr George the Victorious (Priest Viktor Kramarenko, Rector) in the suburb of Red Deer. Only two months ago, by the grace of God, this community managed to find a permanent home.
On the morning of Friday, June 9, His Eminence performed a thanksgiving service in the new church, which had just begun to be remodeled, and then addressed the parishioners. Vladyka Gabriel was accompanied by Hegumen Nicholas (Perekrestov), priest of St Nicholas Cathedral in Montreal (Quebec), and Hieromonk Spiridon (Gusakov), rector of the Church of St John, Archbishop of Shanghai, San Francisco the Wonderworker (Calgary).
On the same day, in the aforementioned St John Church, Archbishop Gabriel led vigil, and on Saturday, June 10, Divine Liturgy was co-served by the Rector Father Spiridon; Father Nicholas; Priest Dmitry Grigoriev (Rector of the Church of All Saints in Alberta); Priest Anthony Ciobanu (Rector of Assumption Church in Alberta); Priest Victor Kramarenko; Priest Obrad Filipovic (Church of St Simeon the Myrrh-streaming, Serbian Orthodox Church), along with Protodeacon Alexander Morin (Holy Trinity Cathedral in Toronto, Ontario) and Protodeacon Boris Sidorenko (St Nicholas Cathedral in Montreal) and Deacon George Misku (All Saints Church) and Deacon Vyacheslav Purdika (St John Church). During the reading of the hours, Sergiy Shevchuk was ordained a reader, and Forrest Megeryuk was ordained a subdeacon.
On the same Saturday, His Eminence arrived for the patronal feast day at the Church of All Saints, where on June 10-11, with a large gathering of parishioners and guests of the church, he led the festive services. Archbishop Gabriel was assisted by the above-mentioned priests, who was joined by Priest Alexander Koval, the second priest of All Saints Church. On the very day of the patronal feast, at the sixth hour, Vladimir Medvedev was tonsured as a reader, and then ordained a subdeacon. The rector, Father Dmitry Grigoriev, was awarded the right to wear a kamilavka.
Upon the dismissal of the Divine Liturgy, a prayer service was held with a procession of the cross around the church, followed by a festive meal prepared by the local sisterhood.
