POCHAEV, UKRAINE: May 20, 2016
Bishop Nicholas and the Synod Youth Choir of the Russian Church Abroad Participate in Feast-Day Celebrations of St Job of Pochaev

On May 19, 2016, the feast day of St Job of Pochaev (+1651), a festive Divine Liturgy was celebrated at Uspensky Cathedral in Pochaev Lavra, Ukraine, as reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

His Eminence Metropolitan Antoniy of Borispol and Brovarsk, Chancellor of the UOC, officiated along with His Eminence Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopol and Kremenets; His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, Prior of Pochaev Monastery; His Eminence Archbishop Alexander of Gorodnitsk; His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, as well as a multitude of monastery and visiting clergymen.

The Synodal Youth Choir of ROCOR sang the service in honor of St Job. At the end of Liturgy, a procession of the cross was held with the relics of the saint to the cave church, where a moleben was then served.

That evening, Vladyka Nicholas, Protopriest Andrei Sommer and the youth choir attended a youth conference at Holy Trinity-St Jonah Monastery.


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