The Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign" is Brought to Kamensk-Uralsky
Some three hundred residents of the city of Kamensk gathered at Holy Trinity Cathedral to greet the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign,” one of Russia’s great holy icons. The miracle-working image of the Mother of God will remain at Kamensk-Uralsky until October 10, 2015.
The icon dates back to the year 1295, when it was discovered near Kursk during the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Despite repeated attempts to destroy this image by godless enemies, it has survived to this day. This icon has often helped Russian warriors, and has been the source of miraculous healing. Through this icon, St Seraphim of Sarov was healed as a child. Since 1920, this has been the main holy icon of the Russian diaspora.
After a moleben service, His Grace Bishop Mefody of Kamensk and Alapaevsk delivered a sermon:
The Diocese of Kamensk welcomes the Queen of Heaven, Who has come to us in the
form of this holy icon “of the Sign.” We hope that with the arrival of the Mother of God, abundant mercies will shower down upon our flock. We hope that all of us pour forth their prayers and revere the Mother of God, and with these prayers and with the thought of the Queen of Heaven in our minds, we will always enjoy Her protection.
Mayor Mikhail Astakhov called the arrival of the great holy icon an important event in the life of the Kamensk Diocese:
With the arrival of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign", we learn of previously unknown to us pages of the history of our Fatherland, and we ascend the staircase of spirituality… I would say that every one of us came with the hope of asking something before this holy icon, and, venerating it, that we will become purer, more spiritual, kinder.
His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia wished all in attendance not only spiritual joy, but that the Mother of God provide them with staunchness in faith, love and faith:
Despite the overcast weather today, we experience great bliss. We sense light and warmth. That is because this holy icon came to grant support and consolation. The Mother of God Herself is present here… We often approach the icon of the Mother of God and ask for help, for healing. But we must not only ask of Her, but we must bring to the Mother of God our prayers, our repentance, our faith and our love.
The caretaker of the Kursk-Root Icon relayed the good wishes of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
After a short moleben and magnification of the Mother of God before the icon, it was taken inside the cathedral. A long line of faithful then formed to venerate it. By all-night vigil, which began at 4 pm, over 500 people kissed the image of the Mother of God.
After vigil, a moleben and akathist were performed before the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign.” The stream of worshipers coming to venerate the icon continued into the night. The icon is being made available on October 8-9, and on the morning of October 10 , it will be taken to the Nizhnetagilsky Diocese.
On October 8, a meeting was held between the clergymen and laity of the Kamensk Diocese and the delegation of the Russian Church Abroad. The delegation visited Alapaevsk on Friday, October 9, to venerate Holy Grand Duchess Elizabeth and Nun Varvara, who were martyred there in 1918.
