JORDANVILLE, NY: April 22, 2015
Holy Trinity Monastery's Publications

Over the previous four months, Holy Trinity Publications has worked tirelessly to pass on the legacy of Orthodox Russia to all who strive to be faithful to Christ and His Church. Beginning in December 2014, the following materials have been published: four books, an audio recording and Troitskij Pravoslavnyj Russkij calendar na 2015 god [Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar 2015]. Optina Pustyn’ i ejo vremya [Optina Hermitage and Its Time] by IM Kontsevich; Pravda ob ubiistve Tsarksoj Sem’i [The Truth About the Murder of the Royal Family] by PP Paganuzzi and Pis’ma o. Serafima (Roza) [The Letters of Fr Seraphim (Rose).

On January 1, 2015, HTP published a CD of Holy Trinity Monastery Choir and Seminary: Sticheron: “On the Praises (Pentecost). Sticheron "On the Praises" (Pentecost)Sticheron "On the Praises" (Pentecost) The CD demonstrates the rich musical tradition of Holy Trinity Monastery, and is available in digital form. Sticheron "On the Praises" (Pentecost)

On March 1, 2015, HTP published the book Season of Repentance: Lenten Homilies of Saint John of Kronstadt. It contains Great-Lenten homilies in English by St John of Kronstadt. The sermons correspond to the Lenten Triodion, from the Sunday of the Tax Collector and Pharisee to Great Friday.
The materials can be purchased from Holy Trinity Monastery’s book store. For wholesale orders, contact sale@holytrinitypublications.com.