NEW YORK: March 24, 2014
Metropolitan Hilarion Expresses His Condolences on the Repose of Metropolitan Philipp of the Antiochian Orthodox Church
Brethren Archpastors, Honorable Fathers,
Beloved in the Lord Brothers and Sisters:
News of the repose of His Eminence Metropolitan Philipp, who was loved by all, brought pain to our hearts, and to the hearts of many who knew this venerable archpastor. Metropolitan Philipp was a genuine pastor to his flock, having devoted his life to strengthening the Orthodox Christian faith in America. Thanks to his earnest efforts, the Antiochian Orthodox Church is now enjoying a period of growth and blossoming.
I pray for the repose of his soul in the abode of the righteous, and for the consolation of his orphaned flock. May the Lord �strengthen the weeping and grieving who yearn the consolation of Christ.�
With love in Christ,
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York,
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.